Dear Brothers,
I hope all who read this find themselves in a great and positive space. With the Fall ’21 semester quickly approaching I just wanted to showcase one of our many accomplishments thus far. Last week, 10 brothers had the privilege of attending the 57th Grand Chapter Conclave in Denver, Colorado. For many, this is just an “event” that many go too, but for Ohio Iota it is simply very different; Ohio Iota takes advantage of any opportunity it has to not only grow as a chapter, but as a fraternity as a whole. I want to take this moment to applaud these young men who took time out of their summer to grow in such very tedious times.
The 10 brothers who attended our Conclave would love to share a few words on their experiences:
Preston Ewald- “I was so thankful to hear Conclave was going to be happening this year, and being able to attend my second Conclave. Many experiences at events like this have always been one of my favorite parts about our fraternity; there’s nothing better than being able to celebrate the last two years of hard work with your brothers and seeing it all pay off. Going to leadership opportunities like Conclave and Carlson Leadership Academy have made my experience in leading a team through COVID-19 is beyond compare.”
Collin Mischak- “Conclave gave me new experiences and allowed me to not only enjoy time with brothers from all over, but also gave me an opportunity to discuss important legislation that will effect current and new chapters for years to come. Conclave gave me yet another reason to realize why it’s always great to be a SigEp!”
Tate Testa- “Just as it was in 2019, this year’s Conclave was an incredible experience as an undergraduate member of Sigma Phi Epsilon. From the educational sessions, the award ceremonies, and hearing from distinguished alumni; there was always something to learn and grow at this year’s Conclave. The best part of the 57th Conclave was getting to hear that Ohio Iota was winning our 10th straight Gold Buchanan Cup. Overall, Conclave was an absolute blast where I got to celebrate my commitment to this fraternity that means so much to me.”
Ricardo Flores- “When I signed up to attend Conclave I really wasn’t sure what to expect; I know one thing for sure is that I wasn’t ready. Conclave was full of immense amounts of leadership modules, and getting personal when it comes to mental health. Conclave will forever mean so much in my heart as it has changed the vision on my leadership path, and also showing brotherly love to not only my brothers, but also to others in the world. SigEp has yet again shown me that what you put into it, it will give back.”
Alex Santoro- “My experience at conclave was amazing; I had such a fun time with my brothers. It was eye opening to see how SigEp is expanded nationally, and to be able to bring home the Gold Buchanan Cup!”
Austin Pawlaczyk- “I had such a great experience being able to talk to brothers all around the nation. The info sessions about mental health and recruiting were extremely valuable and I can’t wait to bring back what I learned back to the Ohio Iota!”
Nick Wischmeier- “Conclave was an amazing experience over all! The brotherhood between fellow brothers from around the country was tangible. If you are in the chapter, no matter where from, it’s the experience of a life time. As always, IT’S GREAT TO BE A SIGEP!”
Peyton Elliott- “Conclave is more than just there gathering of SigEp brothers on a national level; it’s a time to reestablish our bonds with one another, and pass on fraternal traditions to our younger members. To have thousands of people share the same virtues with each other is a powerful connection; this reminds us of our cardinal principles, and how great it truly is to be a SigEp brother.”
Nathan Low- “My experience at Conclave is one that I will never forget. The most memorable event that happened was Ohio Iota winning their 10th straight Buchanan Cup in a row! Being able to stand along side with my brothers while receiving this distinguished award was a moment that I’m proud of. Knowing that we are recognized as one of the top Sigma Phi Epsilon chapters nationwide is one that makes me hopeful of what is to come for people that want to be apart of GreekLife or SigEp in general.”
Nick Azzarello- “I’d say it was really cool to see the power of the national fraternity and to see how they want to foster our success. I was impressed with the scale of the event, and it was great to meet SigEp’s from across the nation. I’m thankful to be recognized for our hard work, and cannot wait to continue our traditions of excellence.”
Well brothers, there you have it from Ohio Iota! Our brothers share one thing in common when it comes to their experience; Ohio Iota being an example to other chapters. Hard work and dedication truly pays off at the end. We want to thank our AVC Board, HQ, our District Governor, our Regional Director, and other hard working people who push for Ohio Iota to be a outstanding chapter!
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” – African Proverb