Ohio Iota worked hard this year to find the brightest up and coming individuals that the University of Toledo has to offer. We had a successful Balanced Man Scholarship banquet for both the finalists and their families. Everyone had a great time and we were pleased to announce and present 10 individuals with scholarship money for this school year!
The awards are as follows:
Greg Shulkosky – $1000 Grand Prize
Jose Carlos Arnal Almenara- $750
Logan Shepherd- $750
Nicolas Huss- $500
Zachary Farrugia- $500
Kyle Chudzinski- $500
Jacob Kulig- $250
Vineeth Atluru- $250
Nick Wischmeier- $250
John Campbell- $250
Congratulations to these ten men who have gone above and beyond during their high school years. Thank you to all of the finalists and their families for making this such a memorable night. As always it is great to be a SigEp!